3 Steps to Finding Purpose in Life

Nadia Wilde
4 min readJan 29, 2021

Having a vision and aligning our life with our values is crucial if we want to start living intentionally. This is the only way to create impact and see transformation. Read this article in order to find clarity and make steps toward living a meaningful life.

If you have read my previous article on choosing the word of the year, then you probably know that I strongly believe in living intentionally. It is quite inspiring to know that every little thing I do has a bigger purpose behind it and works to bring my dreams to fulfilment.

However, it wasn’t always like that. I remember drifting through life doing what was expected of me by other people: friends, parents, my boss (when I was still employed by a company), or my clients. What mattered to them, mattered to me: I aligned my life with their needs and requirements, dreams and passions. It was not necessarily a bad season; it was a good time of learning to listen to others, to be responsible, and to produce results.

On the other hand, I sometimes caught myself feeling confused. When the owner of a language school I once worked for wanted to generate more income for himself by cutting on the costs of study materials or building renovations, it was difficult to balance between making extra photocopies for my students who needed more practice and trying to stick to his budget. The fact that the results my boss was aiming for were not the results my students were hoping to achieve, and being caught in the middle trying to please both parties created a constant discord.

This was the reason why eventually I left the school to be able to work on my own terms, and found more fulfilment in my job than I ever though possible. When my work is aligned with my values, which are being independent, doing meaningful work, and having an opportunity grow (in any direction I am interested in exploring), that’s when I feel truly happy.

1. That’s why the first and most important step towards a fulfilling life is to establish our values.

It is practically impossible to live a life intentionally and purposefully if we are not clear about what we value most. When we lack clarity about our values, we are unable to eliminate distractions that will inevitably arise, and it is similar to walking in the desert or a forest without a compass — we’ll be going in circles or constantly taking wrong turns. On the other hand, having a solid set of values makes the process of decision making much easier. Values provide us with a structure to build our life on.

2. The second thing to consider is what we are passionate about.

Our passion usually reflects our gifts and talents, which were given to us for a reason, and I believe the reason is for us to be able to put them to work and use them to serve other people. When our life’s purpose is based upon what we love with all our hearts, that’s when we make a difference in the world around us. Ask yourself what you’re passionate about, what makes your heart sing, what sets you alight? Aligning our life with what we value and are passionate about allows us to find more fulfilment in the smallest everyday tasks. Knowing that every little thing we do has a bigger purpose behind it is really inspiring.

3. Any purpose is usually about making an impact or seeing a transformation.

So, if we want to make an impact or see a significant change in our circumstances, or in the lives of other people, we should have a clear picture of what we are trying to achieve. Think today of your purpose. It doesn’t have to be something huge and relevant for your entire life, if this is too big of a task: you can find something that is relevant for your particular situation right now, for this season in life or the stage you’re in. Set a clear intention and focus your effort on that one thing.

Defining our purpose in life (or for a particular season in our life) can be followed by setting a few good goals and breaking them down into smaller steps that can be incorporated into our everyday schedule. It is encouraging to remember that it is the tiny steps that will eventually bring us to a great result. Get out your weekly planner and spread the small steps throughout your week. It will remove the overwhelm and help you work on your mission in a sustainable way.

Not having a clear vision or intention behind what we do can cause a disconnect between what we truly want and the results we are achieving. I hope that this post will help eliminate the chances of us getting confused, taking a wrong turn or charging in the wrong direction altogether. Write down your purpose statement, so you can always have it in front of you and see if it’s aligned with your values, break it into practical, more achievable steps, and remember to celebrate every win, no matter how small it might seem.

All the best on your journey to a fulfilling and meaningful life!

